Accelerated learning for all students puts equity at the center of learning. Come and learn more about an Acceleration model that is being developed and used to close learning gaps for all students in one Connecticut district. We will explore what is meant by accelerated learning, how it supports learning for all students and how shifts in educator mindset and goals can change outcomes for students.
In this session we will explore how using random groups with vertical non-permanent surfaces (VPNSs) helps to promote communication, collaboration and knowledge mobility among students. Following a shared experience where participants will participate in a lesson that follows the tenets of Building Thinking Classrooms we will explore some of the research outlining why random groups are so effective and delve into the positive impact this work has on a student’s math identity, self-efficacy and status.
This session is most relevant to grades 3 through 8, but all are welcome to attend.
Participants will have the opportunity to actively engage in a diverse array of hands-on activities, utilizing Bar Models and Visual Number Talks, Bars and Dot Models, throughout the session. These activities are designed to delve into the intricate connections between numeracy and literacy, showcasing how these two essential skills intertwine and complement each other in the realm of problem-solving.
Join us as we examine the different “recipes” we are using to create success in our grade 3-5 mathematics classrooms. Let's explore ways to engage learners and build mathematical thinkers using rich tasks, questioning, and active involvement. These are all essential elements in building thinking classrooms. Participants will leave the session with developed examples and recipes for cooking up a Building Thinking Classroom of their own.
Experience engaging numeracy games and hands-on activities that transform how students interact with number concepts. Learn a three-step learning approach to ensure center activities are educational and developmentally suitable for all learners. Discover strategies to make math enjoyable, engaging, and relevant during center time, fostering a deeper understanding of operations and numbers.
This session leverages the power of SEL to support and grow students’ problem-solving achievement in math. Students who are still growing self-management or executive functioning skills often avoid or abandon tasks that challenge them, despite their capability. Together, we’ll discuss practical ways to cultivate emotional intelligence, critical thinking, and productive struggle within your math classroom. Leave with ready-to-use lessons and strategies to build a classroom environment where students are engaged and empowered to develop their perseverance in math challenges.
Having students develop conceptual understanding is critical to better engage students and help them see the relevance of learning mathematics, but how can we do this? Come explore ways to build conceptual understanding for a variety of topics. Walk away with some strategies that you can utilize immediately!
The instructional routine “I Have, You Need” (based on the work of Pam Harris and Kim Montague) helps develop number sense and fluency in students, and leads to students being able to construct important mathematical relationships. The workshop will blend direct instruction, collaborative discussion, and hands-on practice with the routine. Participants will engage in the routine themselves, analyze their effectiveness, and discuss ways to adapt them to different grade levels and student populations.
Step into this session and be instantly inspired by the engaging tasks in this dynamic thinking classroom! Together, we will tackle problem-solving challenges designed to empower students, fostering critical thinking and reasoning skills. By carefully selecting tasks, we will cultivate an environment where students feel motivated to think both independently and collaboratively, thereby boosting their problem-solving skills, mindset and mathematical confidence. Walk away with a diverse array of classroom-ready tasks, ready to implement the very next day!
In this K-2 math session, teachers will explore the use of 10-Frames to strengthen students' understanding of one-to-one correspondence and number sense in a base-ten system. Participants will learn strategies to help students visualize numbers(aka "subitizing"), build fluency with basic addition and subtraction facts up to 20, and develop a deeper grasp of place value. Through hands-on activities, teachers will discover techniques for guiding students toward mathematical proficiency using 10-Frames as an effective tool for foundational math skills.
We all want students who have computational fluency and are able to reason about numbers, but how do we get them there? What are the foundations that need to be built? Come explore those foundations and how to build them. A variety of routines, games and center ideas from the book, Figuring out Fluency: Ten Foundations for Reasoning Strategies with Whole Numbers, will be shared.
To build the competencies we desire most in our students such as: perseverance, collaboration, willingness to take risks, we must evaluate those competencies. What we evaluate tells students what we value. Learn how we (a coach and a kindergarten classroom teacher) transformed the thinking culture in our elementary schools by using rubrics and implementing Building Thinking Classrooms Practice 12: What We Choose to Evaluate.
Did you become a K- 6 leader without K-2 teaching experience like I did? Are your K-2 teachers supported in literacy but not math because they are not “testing grades”? Are you a K-2 teacher who wants to be as effective as possible teaching math? Then this session is for you. K-2 is a critical time for math learners. The session will examine key numeracy content and strategies to support teachers to effectively teach students in these grade levels.
Students share rich ideas during discussions and capturing these on the board honors them as mathematical thinkers. Learn to model unique ways of recording ideas, helping students connect their talk to writing. By modeling metacognition, you encourage autonomy, reflection, and understanding of the problem-solving process. This approach fosters equity by addressing diverse learning styles, helping students identify gaps in understanding and become confident, independent learners. Create an inclusive classroom where every voice is valued. Apply these strategies to any curriculum!
Algebra is the gateway to higher-level mathematics and STEM careers, but many students struggle with the transition to algebraic thinking. Problem strings offer a structured yet flexible approach to help students recognize patterns, understand operations, and develop mathematical reasoning - the foundation for that transition while simultaneously developing fluency. This interactive session will support participants to understand big ideas critical to the early development of algebra. Participants will take away actionable strategies and resources for incorporating problem strings into their instruction.