This presentation will introduce practical discourse protocols to enhance students' deep understanding of mathematics. These strategies foster a classroom environment where students actively participate in discussions, challenging and building upon each other's ideas. By building on the knowledge and strengths of all students, these protocols will help to build a culture where all students feel that they belong in math class. Join us in redefining mathematics learning, making it an active, engaging, and deeply enriching experience for all students.
The presenter, a co-author of the Connecticut Joint Position Paper on Equity in Mathematics Education, will begin the session by addressing two questions: how well is the assessment aligned to CCS-Math Standards (especially the Math Practice Standards) and how well is it aligned to the Equity in Mathematics Education Document? The second half of the session will consist of a roundtable discussion on these issues.
Step into this session and be instantly inspired by the engaging tasks in this dynamic thinking classroom! Together, we will tackle problem-solving challenges designed to empower students, fostering critical thinking and reasoning skills. By carefully selecting tasks, we will cultivate an environment where students feel motivated to think both independently and collaboratively, thereby boosting their problem-solving skills, mindset and mathematical confidence. Walk away with a diverse array of classroom-ready tasks, ready to implement the very next day!
We all want students who have computational fluency and are able to reason about numbers, but how do we get them there? What are the foundations that need to be built? Come explore those foundations and how to build them. A variety of routines, games and center ideas from the book, Figuring out Fluency: Ten Foundations for Reasoning Strategies with Whole Numbers, will be shared.
Algebra is the gateway to higher-level mathematics and STEM careers, but many students struggle with the transition to algebraic thinking. Problem strings offer a structured yet flexible approach to help students recognize patterns, understand operations, and develop mathematical reasoning - the foundation for that transition while simultaneously developing fluency. This interactive session will support participants to understand big ideas critical to the early development of algebra. Participants will take away actionable strategies and resources for incorporating problem strings into their instruction.